Staff Anniversaries - August 2024


It would be impossible to overstate how valuable our staff is in pursuing our mission to serve Knoxville’s urban youth. Whether staff members are directly involved with youth through discipleship, coaching, tutoring, etc. or are a part of the support staff that equips them, each member has God-given talents and passion that make our organization fruitful. It is our desire to celebrate them and, in the process, let you get to know them a little better. So, stop by our blog each month to see the latest anniversaries and get to know the folks who are the hands and feet of our work in knoxville’s city neighborhoods!

Conni Brown - 6 years

Conni Brown

Conni attributes her initial reason joining Emerald’s staff to God teaching her obedience and trust. One day, she stumbled upon Emerald Youth’s posting for Executive Assistant to the CEO, but quickly dismissed it. Immediately thereafter, the thought of the job opening woke her up each day. She began asking God if this is what He had for her and sometimes even argued with Him. Finally, she stepped out in obedience and trust in Him and applied. Conni began to wait. This specific job’s hiring process took longer than she imagined, but Conni continued to wait and trust in the Lord. This became a challenging season for her, but looking back, she recalls, “He was with me and moving in ways I wouldn’t understand until much further down the road. I’m so grateful for that time and the testimony that came from it.”

For Conni, there are so many memorable moments that set her time at Emerald apart from anywhere else she has worked. All Staff gatherings are certainly on her list. She cherishes the time dedicated to worship, celebrate ministry work and have fun with the whole team. It is truly a gift to her, as are other specific areas of the ministry where she can make a direct impact with young people.

Rachel Davis - 19 years

Rachel Davis

Rachel believes that we are all called somewhere for something, and if we are obedient to that call, we get to walk into the plan God has in store for us. Rachel joining Emerald Youth Foundation was the call God gave her. 21 years ago, after college, the Lord picked her up and dropped her directly at Emerald as an AmeriCorps member. Little did she know, this position would impact her future forever. Rachel reflects, “Though by default this ministry has impacted me greatly, I stay because the heart of this ministry is pure, and the leadership is legit – Christ is first. I know the soil here is healthy because the fruit is so sweet – a real investment is being made in the lives of young people and the Lord has been so faithful because of it.” Rachel looks forward to seeing all that the Lord will continue to do through Emerald in the years ahead. She is blessed that 21 years ago God moved in a way that allows her to daily be a part of such a big mission. “All glory be to God!” she praises.

Rachel struggles to find one memorable moment during her time here. She cherishes the memory of Emerald Youth Foundation’s founding pastor, Bob Bean, marrying her and her husband. She holds close the community she has experienced through all of life’s ups and downs. And lastly, she laughs as she remembers the time her middle school raft survived her terrible guiding abilities while white water rafting. Rachel said, “There may or may not have been a couple kids fall out of the raft during one of the unruly tides, but at least everyone was unharmed and accounted for when we returned to land.”

Madison Grant

Madison’s story with Emerald Youth Foundation begins long before her first paycheck. In the fall of 2014, Madison found herself volunteering at the Western Heights Baptist Center through her campus ministry and became exposed to the work of Emerald. The following spring, she began a bible study group (this study still exists to this day). When she first stepped foot on the property, she felt a deep prompting from the Holy Spirit and a peace in His guidance. She knew the Lord had called her to be there. She felt that same exact calling, peace and affirmation in 2018 when she joined Emerald as a full-time staff member. “If I had to really define the why, I do not know I could give one specific reason. However, I can see some of the fruit of the last ten years of involvement – the deep relationships I have with young people and their families, the maturation of my faith, the lifelong friendships I’ve made with coworkers of the past and present, and the confidence that God really does want a full life for His people,” Madison reflected.

Madison holds on to two memorable moments while being with Emerald. She remembers the times when her program put on plays. Watching children learn their lines, get into their characters, perform for families, friends, and church members and pose next to their case photos made her proud. Her second memory comes from seasons of Emerald camps. During camp season, Madison is always helping create camp videos. She holds onto the memories of watching friend and colleague Shantary Inniss do crazy things without hesitation or complaint! Madison’s videos, as silly as they may be, help each camper ease into camp and create an atmosphere of joy while also cultivating an atmosphere for the Lord to speak to the campers.

Jovette Johnson

Jovette Johnson - 18 years

Jovette is confident the Lord called her to Emerald and has kept her here for 18 years. Growing up, Jovette spent her days going to work with her mother who worked with youth. Jovette would leave work with her mom each day saying, “I will never work with kids.” She went on to attend Virginia Avenue Church, where at the time, Emerald Youth Foundation had a ministry presence. Jovette had never heard of Emerald but was recruited to be an AmeriCorps member serving with Emerald. At the end of her two-year AmeriCorps term, Jovette joined staff and became one of Emerald’s first urban youth workers.

Some of the memories that she holds dear are the times she sees young people’s eyes light up when they discover something new. She loves hearing the biblical conversations and discussions as her group is trying to understand God and his Word. Jovette holds close the friendships with young people, trips to Skatetown and many meals at Pizza Inn. She is blessed to have 18 years of memories to remember forever.

Matt McGue

Matt McGue - 2 years

Six months before Matt moved to Knoxville, he heard the Lord speak to him. The Lord said, “I am going to re-awaken your calling.” At the time, Matt had zero idea what the Lord meant. Six months passed, and he packed his bags and moved to Knoxville. Quickly, Matt knew exactly what the Lord meant as he accepted a position at Emerald Youth Foundation. Matt’s time at Emerald is helping fulfill the ministry call the Lord placed on his life.

One of Matt’s memorable moments was on a Wednesday night bible study. One of the high school students boldly agreed to read some scripture and share his heart. In this moment, Matt remembers God profoundly speaking through the high schooler. Matt saw this student speak with authority like he had been preaching for years. Matt will never forget this moment that not only inspired him, but everyone in the room.