A Message to Our Parents and Families
Emerald Parents and Families,
One of our guiding principles at Emerald is that we believe and imagine every child, in every neighborhood, no matter their race or income level, should be able to grow up in a community and environment that are loving and trusting – the kind of life Jesus spoke of in John 10:10.
If they were looking at a screen this past week, the eyes of a first grader or a 10-year-old or a teenager saw images that could understandably create doubt about whether they can be trusting and if they are genuinely loved. What did their young eyes see? George Floyd being choked to death, and in our own area, evidence of five adopted children who were severely abused, with one found buried in a backyard in Halls and one buried in Roane County.
I can see these events causing children to ask questions, things like: Who can I trust? Am I really loved? Can I trust a man with a badge on his uniform, a youth worker wearing a JustLead T-shirt, a preacher behind a pulpit, my coach, my teacher, or some other adult in authority? What about my foster parents or even my parents – can I trust them? Do they love me? And when I get older, can I still count on them to treat me fairly and well? And, by the way, I’m wondering about these things while dealing with the anxiety of a pandemic.
I honestly do not know how many young people directly consider questions such as these. Some of you do, because you have asked them as a child and still do today.
What I do know is such horrific, evil, racist and sinful acts are not part of the design of the Kingdom of God. This is not the Kingdom that we have been charged to help establish here on earth, in our city, for children, parents and others.
While, along with the rest of the nation, I will continue to prayerfully discern what my personal response will be as a Christian leader, I clearly understand that the role of this organization is to work tirelessly to ensure all children can grow up in a loving and trusting environment – the kind Jesus spoke of and expected us to create.
Thank you for entrusting us with your children, but most of all, thank you for your partnership with us. I assure you that we do not take this lightly and that we work each day to be good and loving stewards of our influence in their lives.
Every child. Every neighborhood. A full life. May it be so, Lord Jesus.
Steve Diggs
President & CEO, Emerald Youth Foundation and Emerald Charter Schools