Growing Up with Emerald Youth: Andrea Coffer
Andrea Coffer became involved with Emerald Youth Foundation when she was in third grade.
She participated in Emerald Avenue UMC’s JustLead Ministry and enjoyed the devotions, homework help and recreation opportunities. Her involvement helped her stay connected to others in a positive way as well as shaped her view of academics.
Andrea Coffer
“As a kid, Emerald Youth made me feel academics were not a punishment, but a staircase leading to greater things as I matured.”
Coffer also played sports with Emerald Youth, including basketball. She was one of the first kids that got to play in the gym next to Emerald Avenue UMC, and she takes great pride in that. (The facility and new gym opened in 2000, following a successful community fundraising campaign and support by St. Mary’s Hospital.)
She now serves as an AmeriCorps member with Emerald Youth and was first inspired to do so dating back to middle school. An Americorps member at the time, Rachel, invested in Coffer’s life and taught her the importance of education and respecting the people around her.
Coffer’s role with Emerald Youth as an adult has impacted her life and deepened her relationship with Christ. Because of her involvement with the ministry as a child, she knows the importance of investing in children now.
“Kids really do want to be loved and learn new things, so if I can give children at least half of the social gain I received from Emerald, then I will feel great knowing our kids have the ability to interact positively with others in the community. I want all children to grow into mature adults.”
This is what drives Coffer to serve the community in which she grew up. She believes that every child has the ability to be a leader and that is why she is encourages others to support Emerald Youth today.
“Children are our future leaders, and right now, we can all help make a positive difference in their lives.”
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