Rebekah Fadeley

Aquatics Ministry Director

(865) 637-3227 x. 161
Email staff via Contact form.

Rebekah Fadeley loves helping children learn the lifesaving skill of swimming.

As a competitive and recreational swimmer herself for more than 14 years, she has also taught lessons for nearly a decade.

“One of the coolest swim classes I’ve ever taught was mermaid swim lessons. The kids actually got to wear mermaid fins!”

Rebekah and her family moved to Knoxville in 2018 from Idaho Falls, Idaho, upon her father accepting a position at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

When she’s not in the pool teaching swim lessons, you can find her spending time with friends and playing with her dogs Tigger and Theo.

Rebekah attends Two Rivers Church in Lenoir City, and her favorite scripture is 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.

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