Emerald Force basketball offers AAU teams for boys and girls, elementary through high school age.
Boys and Girls High School Tryout Information
Saturday, February 22
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Haslam-Sansom Ministry Complex
1740 Texas Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37921
Make-up tryouts will be Saturday, February 29, at the same times. There is no cost to try out, but if you make a team, it will be $75 to participate. AAU season runs from March 1 to May 31.
For more information please fill-out the form in our basketball page, or contact Quinn Cannington at (865) 712-5193 or qcannington@emeraldyouth.org.
Emerald Youth serves children and young people who live in the heart of our city such as East Knoxville, Mechanicsville, Lonsdale, Oakwood-Lincoln Park and other urban areas. These sports are intended for participants from these city neighborhoods.